Tips & Tricks

After spending many years of trying to solve the problems associated with tying a horse with a knot, we have finally found the answer. It is a faster, easier, and most importantly, safer than tying a knot. A knot tie takes away the horses freedom to flee from something and causes a panic pull back wreck with injury and/or property damage.
Here is how it works; wrap the rope around any tie site you normally would choose; Tree, x-tie, trailer ring, pole etc. It fits naturally in one hand. Then place the ropes inside and squeeze firmly. With 12 pressure clicks, select the one that makes the pull-back difficult. Test this pressure by pulling the rope through Tie Ease. This was loose enough to train a young horse but not enough pressure to train an older problem pull-back horse. By simply squeezing a few more pressure clicks solves the problem by applying extra poll pressure… it’s irritating. Instant relief is given only when they stop pulling. They soon learn that pulling back is not fun and refuse to move.
To regulate the length of the pull-back or tie hard and fast without tying a knot, place the free side rope through the hole created the two ropes and Tie Ease. The pulling force slides Tie Ease up to the tie site and stops rope from moving.
To make Tie Ease handy for the next use, clamp it back on the rope at the desired tying length or slide it back up to the halter tie ring.
It works on all size ropes, materials (even cotton) and stiffness's.